2015年8月7日 星期五

『覓 Seek』 王筱雯 個展 A solo exhibition by Annie Hsiao-Wen Wang 2015. 8.15~9.15│ YESART AIR GALLERY 意識畫廊

『覓 Seek 』 王筱雯個展 A solo exhibition by Annie Hsiao-Wen Wang

Date:2015. 8.15~9.15
Opening: 2015.8.15 (六) 19:00 
Tel:02-28763858   yesart777@gmail.com


This exhibition will show 17 new art pieces from“seek” series. The body of work is about negotiating the dualities within: the visceral against the ephemeral, the dark versus light.
As her statement said, “I understand now that my pursuits for knowledge, previously in the sciences and now in the arts, have both been driven by the same sense of yearning: a seeking for truth, for meaning. In the sciences it has been a searching for truth within the external physical world; and in the arts, within the metaphysical and the inner spiritual self.”

 「她的繪畫沒有批判,沒有故事,沒有現實的景物,只呈現一種視野,來自寂靜之心的靈性之野…」 ~ 鄭芳和 / 資深藝評家  ~
“There is no judgment, no story, noting reality in her painting, it is all about a sight from the silent aura... ”—Fang-ho Tseng, senior art critic.

王筱雯(1979 – ,台北) 七歲移民澳洲,獲得物理、機械工程雙學位,2002年至礦業公司工作,然而這條理工之路卻對她產生極大的心理衝突,因此以半工半讀的方式研習藝術,2008年再取得ECU大學視覺藝術學位,並獲得澳洲國家視覺藝術獎、澳洲年輕畫家藝術獎的肯定,近期作品夢〈十七〉入圍了澳洲最被藝術家和觀眾期待的獎項薩勒曼獎,將在7/18到9/27在澳洲雪梨新南威爾士州美術館展出。其作品為澳洲的大學、國家醫院、大飯店,以及中國天津大飯店和數個國家的私人收藏。

Annie Hsiao-Wen Wang(1979-, Taipei) immigrated to Australia at seven. After studied double degree in and Engineering, she worked at mining company but felt something wrong on the way of science, thus starting her art pursuit. Getting visual arts degree at Edith Cowan University in 2008, Annie has received “National Association of Visual Arts Ignition Prize of Australia” and “Young Artists with Artitude Award of Australia” and other awards, recently her work “Somniun XVII” is the finalist of Sulman Prize. Her work has been collected by university, hospital and hotel in Australia, and private collection in many countries.


澳洲知名居家設計雜誌belle,採訪國際知名室內設計師Anna Carin談論他個人的藝術與時尚品味。對她而言,具有永久影響性的藝術家是畢卡索,而最喜愛的當代藝術家是 Annie Hsiao-Wen Wang 王筱雯 ,她說Annie的畫除了美麗,還會讓人沉浸在作品裡。

王筱雯作品 夢(十六)

photo / yesman uni                                                        YESART AIR GALLERY

