『Revelations of the Soul Art氣韻靈動-當代靈魂美學』 徐永進個展
Revelations of the Soul Art, Hsu Yung Chin’s solo exhibition
Marina Bay Sands Convention and Exhibition Centre
時間:2015/01/22 - 2015/01/25
在亞洲藝術崛起之後,Art Stage Singapore 藝術登陸新加坡博覽會緊追著Art Basel HK香港巴賽爾藝術博覽會,企圖成為亞洲第二大領先性藝術博覽會,在前期的Art Stage中,來訪人數就達45,700人次,儼然已躍上亞洲地區重大的藝術活動舞台,吸引了全球重要的收藏家、企業買家和貴賓參與與交流。
今年2015 ,YESART 意識畫廊首次獲邀,特別策劃展出『Revelations of the Soul Art氣韻靈動 當代靈魂美學』-徐永進個展,展出2013-2014新作共十件作品,其中作品『大象無形系列10』為五連作,作品尺寸寬幅長達350cm X 高度240cm, 幾乎為一面展場牆面,作品渾然天成,氣韻靈動,徐永進以一種靈魂書寫的精神表現性繪畫方式,將老莊思想與宇宙觀貫穿在作品之中,作品創造出空間感超越文字圖像與符號性,是徐永進表達出抽象性思想的曠世之作。意識畫廊企圖在此國際展出舞台的機會,讓東亞書藝革命先鋒徐永進的文字抽象性藝術可由亞洲向世界發聲。
2015 Art Stage Singapore 藝術登陸新加坡博覽會
『Revelations of the Soul Art 氣韻靈動-當代靈魂美學』 徐永進個展
展出 大象無形系列 十
加拿大景觀設計師Colin K. Okashimo ,
特來支持徐永進老師這次在 Art Stage Singapore 藝術登陸新加坡博覽會的展出,謝謝Colin先生的大力支持與讚賞。
Art Stage Singapore
Revelations of the Soul Art, Hsu Yung Chin’s solo exhibition
22 – 25 January 2015
Art Stage Singapore is the second largest asian art fair after Art Basel Hong Kong. Last year, Art Stage Singapore attracted over 45 000 visitors from around the world, making it one of the most important art events of the year.
2015 will be the first year Taiwan’s YES ART gallery will participate in Art Stage Singapore. YES ART will be doing a solo exhibition of renowned Taiwanese calligrapher and artist Hsu Yung Chin’s most recent work. The exhibition is entitled, Revelations of the Soul Art, and will feature ten of Master Hsu’s most recent works. Of particular note will be the piece, The Great Image Has No Form (#10), which consists of five large works (350 cm x 240 cm) based on a passage from the Tao De Ching. The painting blends a modern take on Chinese calligraphy with the ideas found in Lao Tze’s philosophy. The work contains a natural fluidity that balances both the chaotic and the sublime, where the essence of the moment in which the painting was created transcends the characters contained within.
YES ART is proud to present contemporary Chinese calligraphy pioneer Hsu Yung Chin’s latest works to both Asia and the rest of the world.
photo / yesman uni YESART AIR GALLERY