2015年2月16日 星期一

『複構即迴 』李浩個展 Le Mécanisme Répétitif – Hao Li Solo Exhibition 4.18. 2015 ~ 5.31. 2015 │ YESART AIR GALLERY 意識畫廊

『複構即迴 』李浩個展
 Le Mécanisme Répétitif – Hao Li Solo Exhibition

展期:4. 18. 2015 ~ 5.31. 2015

開幕酒會:4. 18 .2015(Sat.) pm15:00

Tel:02-28763858   yesart777@gmail.com

寫實卻抽像 現實中的虛幻世界


社會急速地現代化切講求效率 快速 精準 重複產製造能越來越好的社會中個體間的差異特質 多元性漸漸被抹平為了消費和⼀⽇同樣的同的時間被運往相同的地點打卡上班做著雷同的事情下班後再被運往棟棟整⼀⾼容納量的樓公寓住宅為了更有效率地利有限的擴充更的容納量所以不斷建設拆遷環境樣貌持續快速改變們也習於這種鋼筋無機構成,卻不斷有機⻑代謝的城市地景 在體制裡追逐著遊戲規則的過程中活快速慣性的重複著盲從著主流價的腳步我們很容易忘了⾃⼰是誰在哪裡在做什麼現實活像是場醒不過來的夢境

 觀察這樣的社會機制並模擬們的活律動作者也每在相同的時間回到同樣的地點在同樣的位置以相同的構圖式按下次快⼀⽇⼀⽇累積在同張底上來完成重複曝光的創作 在這個機器複製的時代裡以寫真但抽象的描繪現實裡的換世界。

This series of photos depicts the everyday life in the modern world - repetitive, routine, yet with slight differences.

The invention of steam engine and locomotive greatly accelerated the Industrial Revolution. Mechanical transportation networks were developed to efficiently distribute freights and to commute. These technologies were the fundamental factors to the emergence of capitalism and globalization. Ever since, the world had hastened its pace and never looked back. While the mainstream modern societal values have emphasized efficiency, productivity and capital accumulation, people are constantly regarded as small components in a big machine. With the increasing pace and the repetitive routines in our daily lives, we do what everyone else does, we think like everyone else thinks; we’ve lost ourselves in the immense system, not being aware of who we really are. As the identity and diversity between individuals gradually fade, life seems rather like an unawakened dream.

 Observing the mechanism of this system, I also place myself into a repetitive rhythm: every single day at the same time, I go back to the same spot in the same train station. With the same framing, I limit myself to one exposure per day, on the exact same piece of film; accumulating day after day, to complete one single multiexposure photograph.

 The Artist Hao LI photograph the scenes that people encounter everyday to create these abstract yet photographic images, illustrating the illusional world underneath layers of reality.

photo / yesman uni                                                        YESART AIR GALLERY

